
Displaying an iCalendar feed is the same as a normal list view, just with a different template. Therefore you won't need any different configuration to e.g. excluded categories or configure the single view page.

The template for the iCalendar feed can be found in the file Resources/Private/Templates/News/List.ical. The "magic" which uses the List.ical template instead of the List.html is the following configuration:

plugin.tx_news.settings.format = ical
plugin.tx_news.settings.domain.data = getEnv:HTTP_HOST
plugin.tx_news.settings.useStdWrap = domain

iCalendar feed by TypoScript

A very simple way to generate the iCalendar feed is using plain TypoScript. All you need is to use the given TypoScript and adopt it to your needs.

[globalVar = TSFE:type = 9819]
config {
    disableAllHeaderCode = 1
    xhtml_cleaning = none
    admPanel = 0
    metaCharset = utf-8
    # For 7 LTS
    additionalHeaders = Content-Type:text/calendar;charset=utf-8
    # Since 8 LTS
    additionalHeaders.10.header = Content-Type:text/calendar;charset=utf-8
    disablePrefixComment = 1
    linkVars >
pageNewsICalendar = PAGE
pageNewsICalendar {
    typeNum = 9819
    10 < tt_content.list.20.news_pi1
    10 {
            switchableControllerActions {
                    News {
                            1 = list
            settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
            settings {
                    categories = 9
                    categoryConjunction = notor
                    limit = 30
                    detailPid = 25
                    startingpoint = 24
                    format = ical
                    domain.data = getEnv:HTTP_HOST
                    useStdWrap = domain

This example will show all news records which don't have the category with the uid 9 assigned and are saved on the page with uid 24.

The iCalendar feed itself can be found with the link /?type=9819.

iCalendar feeds by using a normal plugin

Sometimes it is more convenient to generate the iCalendar feed using the normal plugin. The biggest advantage is that the complete configuration can be done within the backend without touching TypoScript.

To create an ICalendar feed based on a plugin follow this steps:

  1. Create a new page.

  2. Add the news plugin and define the configuration you need. E.g. startingpoint, page with the single view, ...

  3. Define a new TypoScript template and use a code like below. Very important : Use config.absRefPrefix = http://www.yourdomain.tld/ to produce absolute urls for links and images!

    page = PAGE
    page.10 < styles.content.get
    config {
              # deactivate Standard-Header
             disableAllHeaderCode = 1
             # no xhtml tags
             xhtml_cleaning = none
             admPanel = 0
             metaCharset = utf-8
             # define charset
             additionalHeaders = Content-Type:text/calendar;charset=utf-8
             disablePrefixComment = 1
             linkVars >
    # set the format
    plugin.tx_news.settings.format = ical
    # set the domain for real unique uids
    plugin.tx_news.settings.domain.data = getEnv:HTTP_HOST
    plugin.tx_news.settings.useStdWrap = domain
    # delete content wrap
    tt_content.stdWrap >

Important: If your output still contains HTML code, please check your TypoScript (especially from css_styled_content) as this HTML is produced there!

Automatic iCalendar feeds - based on plugins

There are use cases where many different list views are needed and each list view should also get its own iCalendar feed without any additional configuration.

The TypoScript code looks like this.

[globalVar = TSFE:type = 9819]
    lib.stdheader >
    tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap >
    tt_content.stdWrap.wrap >
    # get away <div class="feEditAdvanced-firstWrapper" ...> if your logged into the backend
    styles.content.get.stdWrap >

    pageNewsICalendar = PAGE
    pageNewsICalendar.typeNum = 9819
    pageNewsICalendar.10 < styles.content.get
    pageNewsICalendar.10.select.where = colPos=0 AND list_type = "news_pi1"
    pageNewsICalendar.10.select {
            orderBy = sorting ASC
            max = 1

    config {
            # deactivate Standard-Header
            disableAllHeaderCode = 1
            # no xhtml tags
            xhtml_cleaning = none
            admPanel = 0
            metaCharset = utf-8
            # you need an english locale to get correct rfc values for <lastBuildDate>, ...
            locale_all = en_EN
            # define charset
            additionalHeaders = Content-Type:text/calendar;charset=utf-8
            disablePrefixComment = 1
            linkVars >

    # set the format
    plugin.tx_news.settings.format = ical
    # set the domain for real unique uids
    plugin.tx_news.settings.domain.data = getEnv:HTTP_HOST
    plugin.tx_news.settings.useStdWrap = domain

    # delete content wrap
    tt_content.stdWrap >

Some explanations The page object pageNewsICalendar will render only those content elements which are in colPos 0 and are a news plugin. Therefore all other content elements won't be rendered in the iCalendar feed.
