Migration from tt_news to news ------------------------------ This tutorial will help you to migrate data from tt_news to news. Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Installed extension news - Installed extension news_ttnewsimport .. hint:: If you experience any troubles during imports, test the latest versions of the 2 extensions which can be found at https://git.typo3.org/TYPO3CMS/Extensions/news.git and https://github.com/fsaris/news_ttnewsimport. Migration ^^^^^^^^^ Migration of records """""""""""""""""""" To be able to migrate records, you need to activate the import module. This needs to be done in the configuration of EXT:news inside the Extension Manager. #. Activate the checkbox "Show importer", save and reload the backend. Now you should see the backend module "News Import". #. Switch to the backend module. #. Select "Import tt_news category records" from the select box and start the import of categories. #. Select "Import tt_news news records" from the select box and start the import of news records. Migration of plugins """""""""""""""""""" The plugins of tt_news can be migrated to plugins of EXT:news as well. This is done by using the CLI: .. code-block:: bash ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:run ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:removeOldPlugins Read more about the migration and its limitation in the documentation of news_ttnewsimport at https://github.com/fsaris/news_ttnewsimport. Migration of unique aliases """"""""""""""""""""""""""" If a lot of similar titles are used it might be a good a idea to migrate the unique aliases to be sure that the same alias is used. .. code-block:: sql # temporary table CREATE TABLE tx_realurl_uniqalias_migration LIKE tx_realurl_uniqalias; # copy INSERT INTO tx_realurl_uniqalias_migration SELECT * FROM tx_realurl_uniqalias WHERE tablename='tt_news'; # fix it UPDATE tx_realurl_uniqalias_migration SET value_id = (SELECT tx_news_domain_model_news.uid FROM `tx_news_domain_model_news` WHERE tx_news_domain_model_news.import_id=tx_realurl_uniqalias_migration.value_id),tablename='tx_news_domain_model_news' WHERE tablename='tt_news'; # remove wrong alias (news which have not been imported) DELETE FROM tx_realurl_uniqalias_migration WHERE tablename='tx_news_domain_model_news' AND value_id=0; # insert alias back into realurl table INSERT INTO tx_realurl_uniqalias (tstamp,tablename,field_id,value_alias,value_id,lang,expire) SELECT tstamp,tablename,field_id,value_alias,value_id,lang,expire FROM tx_realurl_uniqalias_migration Not migrated """""""""""" Be aware that some things are **not** migrated: - Templates - TypoScript configuration - Backenduser & -group configuration - Additional fields added to tt_news by 3rd party extensions