.. _breadcrumb: =============== Breadcrumb menu =============== There are currently two suggested ways to make a breadcrumb menu containing the detail page of the current news: Based on data processing and Fluid template and based on pure TypoScript. Use the first method if you have no breadcrumb yet or your breadcrumb is already based on data processors. Use the second if your breadcrumb is already based on TypoScript and you do not wish to change it for now. .. _breadcrumbFluid: Breadcrumb based on data processing and Fluid ============================================= .. versionadded:: 7.2.0 With version 7.2 a new data processor, :php:`AddNewsToMenuProcessor` has been added which is useful for detail pages to add the news record as fake menu entry. To use the data processor :php:`AddNewsToMenuProcessor` add the following TypoScript to the setup section in your site package extension. We assume here that your main :typoscript:`FLUIDTEMPLATE` can be found in :typoscript:`page.10`. .. code-block:: typoscript page.10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE page.10 { # [...] template settings dataProcessing { # [...] Other data processors 50 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor 50 { as = breadcrumbMenu special = rootline } 60 = GeorgRinger\News\DataProcessing\AddNewsToMenuProcessor 60.menus = breadcrumbMenu } } The property :typoscript:`menus` of the :php:`AddNewsToMenuProcessor` must contain the key of the :php:`MenuProcessor` containing your breadcrumb. If you You can use more then one menu here by supplying several keys as comma-separated list. For example: :typoscript:`60.menus = breadcrumbMenu,myOtherBreadcrumb`. The data array containing your breadcrumb will now contain an additional entry if you are on a news detail page. You can debug this data with the following Fluid snippet: .. code-block:: html {breadcrumbMenu} The array will then contain something like that: .. code-block:: none array(4 items) 0 => array(7 items) 1 => array(7 items) 2 => array(7 items) data => array(84 items) title => 'All News' (17 chars) link => '/portal/news/' (34 chars) target => '' (0 chars) active => 1 (integer) current => 0 (integer) spacer => 0 (integer) 3 => array(6 items) data => array(87 items) title => 'Test news' (13 chars) active => 1 (integer) current => 1 (integer) link => 'https://my-page.ddev.site/portal/news/articel/test-news' (101 chars) isNews => TRUE You can use code like the following in your sites Fluid template. .. code-block:: html
The result (using Bootstrap 5 and Fontawesome 5 Free) could use like this: .. figure:: /Images/Frontend/Breadcrumb.png :class: with-shadow A breadcrumb containing the current news record. .. hint:: I you are displaying the news on a single page that should not be displayed without a valid news record, unset the flag :guilabel:`Page enabled in menus` in the single pages page properties. This way the page alone does not appear in the breadcrumb. See also chapter :ref:`AddNewsToMenuProcessor `. .. _breadcrumbTypoScript: Breadcrumb based on TypoScript (legacy) ======================================= If you already have a breadcrumb menu based on TypoScript in your project, you can continue to use it and add the news record to it. .. code-block:: typoscript lib.navigation_breadcrumb = COA lib.navigation_breadcrumb { stdWrap.wrap = 10 = HMENU 10 { special = rootline #special.range = 1 1 = TMENU 1 { NO = 1 NO { wrapItemAndSub =
  • |
  • ATagTitle.field = subtitle // title stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1 } CUR <.NO CUR { wrapItemAndSub =
  • |
  • doNotLinkIt = 1 } } } # Add news title if on single view 20 = RECORDS 20 { stdWrap.if.isTrue.data = GP:tx_news_pi1|news dontCheckPid = 1 tables = tx_news_domain_model_news source.data = GP:tx_news_pi1|news source.intval = 1 conf.tx_news_domain_model_news = TEXT conf.tx_news_domain_model_news { field = title htmlSpecialChars = 1 } stdWrap.wrap =
  • |
  • stdWrap.required = 1 } } The relevant part starts with :typoscript:`20 = RECORDS` as this cObject renders the title of the news article. .. Important:: Never forget the :typoscript:`source.intval = 1` to avoid SQL injections and the :typoscript:`htmlSpecialChars = 1` to avoid Cross-Site Scripting. See :ref:`security in TypoScript in TYPO3 Explained `.