.. _hideDetailPage: ======================= Hide detail page in URL ======================= This tutorials covers the use case of having the following page structure: .. code-block:: none . └── Root ├── Home └── Blog <= news The URL of a news record should however be `domain.tld/blog/news-record`. The page *Blog* typically contains not only the news plugin with the list view but also additional regular content elements which must **not** be rendered in the detail view. The following TypoScript will make this possible: .. code-block:: typoscript # Override content rendering if the news record is requested [traverse(request.getQueryParams(), 'tx_news_pi1/news') > 0] # typically having something like: page.10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE # optional to use a custom page template page.10.templateName = NewsDetail lib.dynamicContent > lib.dynamicContent = USER lib.dynamicContent { userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run extensionName = News pluginName = NewsDetail vendorName = GeorgRinger settings < plugin.tx_news.settings settings { # fully optional but can be used to react on it in # the news templates templateLayout = renderedByTs } } [end] The **page template** `NewsDetail.html` must contain the following code to render the news detail view: .. code-block:: html Some further explanations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The TypoScript condition will only be true if a news record path is in the URL * It overrides the used page template to be able to use a custom one * It set the variable `lib.dynamicContent` to contain the rendered news detail view * The dedicated page template can be fully adopted * If needed, the News detail template can be adopted by either use a settings variable or by providing a custom view path.