.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _programmers-reference-ajax-communication: Ajax communication ------------------ The main class for the ajax communication is the class tx_glcrossword_ajax. Over the session parameters will be send two values. The first is the unique ID of the current processed crossword and the second is the method which should be accessed in the backend. The unique ID we need to identify the crossword if we have more then one crossword in one HTML page. In the beginning it tries to get the main crossword array from the session which is always stored in the constuctor of the class tx_glcrossword_crossword. This array contains all crossword of the current HTML page. The method which is sent through the session parameters is called. There are the three possible methods at the present time. They are all given from the jQuery.ajax call in the glcrossword javascript class for the ajax request. =========================================== ========================================== ==================================================== **Method PHP backend tx_glcrossword_ajax** **Method javascript fontend glcrossword** **Description** ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- GetGeneralCrosswordData ProcessAjaxGeneralCrosswordData Get the initial data like the question texts for the crossword ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- getSolutionData processAjaxSolutionData Get the solution for the whole crossword ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- getHintData processAjaxHintData Get a hint for one answer box =========================================== ========================================== ==================================================== The method **processAjaxGeneralCrosswordData** returns the following array. ==================== ======================================================= **Component** **Description** -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- questions All Questions of the crossword with the coordinates, the direction and the question text -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- errors All errors inside the crossword like two questions in the same box and in the same direction -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- errorsOOB All errors out of the bounds of the crossword. If a question is defined outside the borders of the crossword, the this error is reported in this array. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- isError A general flag if there is any error in the crossword. If this flag is false, the the both error arrays above are empty. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- LLTexts All language dependent texts for the frontend. For instance the text of the error message is stored in this array. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- relPath The path to the crossword extension relative to the HTML document. This path could be taken for inserting further resources like images in the javascript library. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- size The size of the crossword in the x and y direction -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- borderWidth The border width of the crossword for computing the correct size of the HTML elements in javascript. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- boxSize The size of one box in the crossword. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- editMatrix A helper matrix for editing the crossword. The matrix has the following dimensions. First Index: Collumns of the crossword. Second Index: Rows of the crossword. Third Index:for 'fieldlength' with the length of the current field and for 'directions' with the following directions array First Index: Direction of the text. See Constants with the prefix tx_glcrossword_box::C_INT_EDIT_DIR\_* Second Index: Side of the current box where the text is going on. See Constants with the prefix tx_glcrossword_box::C_INT_EDIT_SIDE\_* Value: Length of the text in this direction. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- editCausingQuestions For every answer box is stored which question has caused this answer letter, for controlling the edit mode in the crossword. First Index: Collumns of the crossword. Second Index: Rows of the crossword. Third Index: Edit direction of the text. See See Constants with the prefix tx_glcrossword_box::C_INT_EDIT_DIR\_* Value:x => x coordinate, Y => y coordinate, dir => direction of the question See Constants with the prefix tx_glcrossword_box_questions::C_INT_DIR\_* text => ==================== ======================================================= The method **processAjaxSolutionData** returns the following array. ============== ========================================== **Component** **Description** -------------- ------------------------------------------ solution All data of the solution of the crossword. Index 1: The x coordiante Index 2: The y coordinate value: The answer content of this box. ============== ========================================== The method **ProcessAjaxHintData** returns the following array. ============== =========================================== **Component** **Description** -------------- ------------------------------------------- Hint Just the letter of the requested answerbox. ============== =========================================== All data of the methods above are returned in a JSON object with two components. ============== ======================================================= **Component** **Description** -------------- ------------------------------------------------------- result The array with the result. The arrays are for the every method described above. -------------- ------------------------------------------------------- intUniqueId The unique ID of the current crossword. This is necessary to identify the crossword if you have more then one crossword in one HTML page. ============== ======================================================= In the method glcrosswordHandleAjaxResponse of the glcrossword javascript class, we receiving the data of all ajax responses. This method has one parameter with the actual method which should handle the response and the JSON object with the answer data. This method is already given with the jQuery.ajax() method call at the initial ajax request of the glcrossword class.