.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _user-manual: Users Manual ============ Required Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To use reCAPTCHA, you need to sign up for an API key pair (v2 and/or v3) for your site: http://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin 2) Set your API key pair in TypoScript constants (v2 and/or v3) and the reCAPTCHA version (2 or 3): .. code-block:: typoscript :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 plugin.tx_jhcaptcha.settings.reCaptcha { version = v2 { siteKey = secretKey = } v3 { siteKey = secretKey = } } Optional Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: typoscript :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6, 10, 14, 19, 21 plugin.tx_jhcaptcha.settings.reCaptcha { v2 { # Description: The color theme of the widget # Options: dark | light # Default: light theme = light # Description: The language of the widget # Options: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/language # Default: en lang = en # Description: The size of the widget # Options: normal | compact # Default: normal size = normal } v3 { # Description: Minimum Score (0.0 - 1.0) # Default: 0.5 minimumScore = 0.5 # Description: See https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3 action = homepage } } Usage in Form (EXT:form) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The reCAPTCHA can easy be used in the `core extension form`_. The following steps are necessary: .. _core extension form: hhttps://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/form/ Create a new field in your form reCAPTCHA (JhCaptchaRecaptcha) and save your form. Now the reCAPTCHA is ready! Usage in powermail (EXT:powermail) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The reCAPTCHA can easy be used in the `extension powermail`_. The following steps are necessary: .. _extension powermail: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/powermail .. note:: Note that the usage has only been tested in the powermail versions 7.4 and 8.2! Most likely it will also work with later versions. Create a new field in your form, set a title ("Captcha" for example) and select the type "reCAPTCHA (jh_captcha)". Now the reCAPTCHA is ready! Usage in Formhandler (EXT:formhandler) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The reCAPTCHA can easy be used in the `extension formhandler`_ (Fork: `phorax/formhandler`_ for TYPO3 v9). The following steps are necessary: .. _extension formhandler: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/formhandler .. _phorax/formhandler: https://github.com/PHORAX/formhandler .. note:: Note that the usage has only been tested in the phorax/formhandler version 5.0! Most likely it will also work with later versions. 1. Mastertemplate ----------------- First the captcha needs to be included in the master template. Example: .. code-block:: html :linenos:
###jh_captcha_recaptcha### ###error_jh_captcha_recaptcha###
2. Template ----------- Now the marker can be used in the Form Template: .. code-block:: html :linenos: ###master_spamprotection-jh_captcha_recaptcha### 3. TypoScript ------------- Then the validators need to be assigned to the captcha field: .. code-block:: typoscript :linenos: [...] validators.1.config.fieldConf { jh_captcha_recaptcha.errorCheck { 1 = required 2 = \Haffner\JhCaptcha\Validation\ErrorCheck\ReCaptcha } } [...] 4. Language file ---------------- Finally, the label and the error messages must be defined. Example: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: Now the reCAPTCHA is ready!