.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _typo3_console-command-reference-scheduler-run: The following reference was automatically generated from code. ============= scheduler:run ============= **Run scheduler** Executes tasks that are registered in the scheduler module. **Example:** `typo3cms scheduler:run --task 42 --force` Options ~~~~~~~ `--task` Uid of the task that should be executed (instead of all scheduled tasks) - Accept value: yes - Is value required: yes - Is multiple: no `--force` The execution can be forced with this flag. The task will then be executed even if it is not scheduled for execution yet. Only works, when a task is specified. - Accept value: no - Is value required: no - Is multiple: no - Default: false `--task-id` Deprecated option (same as --task) - Accept value: yes - Is value required: yes - Is multiple: no