.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _developer: ================ Developer Corner ================ Target group: **Developers** This extension will support developers by providing - a new TCA render type to add spreadsheet selection - with different options to configure - see :ref:`configuration ` - a DataProcessor class to ease the process of extracting spreadsheet data from a DSN-like (selection) string - multiple service classes to extract spreadsheet data from a DSN-like (selection) string .. hint:: For extended usage of this extension take a look into `Charts extension `_ .. _contribute: Contribute ---------- Contributions are essential for the success of open-source projects but certainly not limited to contribute code. A lot more can be done: - Improve documentation - Answer questions on stackoverflow.com Contribution workflow ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please create always an issue at https://github.com/hoogi91/spreadsheets/issues before starting with a change. This is essential helpful if you are unsure if your change will be accepted. Get the latest version from git """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Fork the repository https://github.com/hoogi91/spreadsheets and provide a pull request with your change