.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= Target group: **Developers, Integrators** .. _configuration-tca: TCA === Using the features of this extension is pretty simple. Just use the following configuration in a TCA field of type "text" or "input": .. code-block:: php 'config' => [ 'renderType' => 'spreadsheetInput', 'uploadField' => 'tx_spreadsheets_assets', 'sheetsOnly' => false, 'allowColumnExtraction' => true, ], **Field "renderType"** Set this value always to **spreadsheetInput**. See official :ref:`t3tca:start` for more information about renderType's. **Field "uploadField"** The value should point to a upload field in the same dataset (e.g. tt_content's "assets", "image" or "media" fields). This field should be responsible for uploading files of the following file extensions (all extensions are optional): - Excel 95 and above (.xls) - Excel 2007 and above (.xlsx) - Open Document Format/OASIS (.ods) - SpreadsheetML / Excel 2003 (.xml) - Comma-separated values (.csv) - Hypertext Markup Language Tables (.html) **Field "sheetsOnly"** This field can be set to `true` or `false`. Default value is `false`! On default (value `false`) the user is able to select one file which was previously uploaded in "uploadField" (see above). After selecting the file the user gets a list of worksheets to select. After selecting the right worksheet the user sees simplified table data and can select the cells he wants ;) If field value is `true` the user can only select a worksheet and the exact cell selecting is disabled. .. hint:: Please note that the default :ref:`content element ` of this extension uses **sheetsOnly => true** and you may override it's TCA value if you want to enable field selection! **Field "allowColumnExtraction"** This field can be set to `true` or `false`. Default value is `false`! If field value is `true` the user can choose whether his selection should be extract by columns or by rows. .. _configuration-features: Feature toggle ============== The following feature toggle can be set in **AdditionalConfiguration.php** to define if :ref:`tabs content element ` is always enabled or disabled. .. code-block:: php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['features']['spreadsheets.tabsContentElement'] = true; .. _configuration-tabs-styling: Tabs Content Element Styling ============================ If you want to change or remove the existing styling of the tabs content element you can write into following Typoscript path. .. code-block:: typoscript // note that this option only takes affect if data processor is TabsProcessor class tt_content.spreadsheets_tabs.dataProcessing.10 = Hoogi91\Spreadsheets\DataProcessing\TabsProcessor tt_content.spreadsheets_tabs.dataProcessing.10.options.additionalStyles ( // your different styling comes here )