.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _faq: FAQ === How can I use my own template? ------------------------------ In your template (setup) use the following typoscript: :: plugin.tx_jobfair { view { templateRootPaths { 100 = EXT:jobfair/Resources/Private/Templates/ 200 = fileadmin/template/extensions/jobfair/Templates/ } partialRootPaths { 100 = EXT:jobfair/Resources/Private/Partials/ 200 = fileadmin/template/extensions/jobfair/Partials/ } layoutRootPaths { 100 = EXT:jobfair/Resources/Private/Layouts/ 200 = fileadmin/template/extensions/jobfair/Layouts/ } } } NOTE: You do not have to copy the entire folder(s) to the new location. It is sufficient that you place only the files you are going to change in the fileadmin folder. However, be sure to recreate the right subfolder. How to change the order of fields? ---------------------------------- The order in the flexforms (list, show, filter) will be used in the frondend as well. So order the fields in the same sequence as you want them to appear in the frontend. How to hide fields in the Backend? ---------------------------------- In Page TSConfig: :: TCEFORM.tx_jobfair_domain_model_job { contract_type.disabled = 1 salary.disabled = 1 sys_language_uid.disabled = 1 } How to change language labels in the BACKEND? --------------------------------------------- In Page TSConfig: :: TCEFORM.tx_jobfair_domain_model_job.job_type { label.default = Category altLabels.0 = Search altLabels.1 = Offer } This can be done language specific: In Page TSConfig: :: TCEFORM.tx_jobfair_domain_model_job.job_type.label.de = Kategorie NOTE: Do not use this to translate the entire backend but add your translation to the `translation server of TYPO3 `_ How to change language labels in the FRONTEND? ---------------------------------------------- In your template (setup) use the following typoscript: :: plugin.tx_jobfair._LOCAL_LANG.default { tx_jobfair_domain_model_job.job_title = New label text } This can be done language specific: In your template (setup) use the following typoscript: :: plugin.tx_jobfair._LOCAL_LANG.de { tx_jobfair_domain_model_job.job_title = New label text } NOTE: Do not use this to translate the entire Frontend but add your translation to the `translation server of TYPO3 `_ How to shorten the URL and use RealURL? --------------------------------------- If you want to shorten the URL, it is possible to skip the controller parameter, since the jobfair extension works with only one controller in the frontend. To skip the controller add the following to your SETUP: :: plugin.tx_jobfair { features { skipDefaultArguments = 1 } } In general, there are two options if you want to shorten the URL by using RealURL: using **postVarSets** or **fixedPostVars**. | To use the postVarSets add the following code to your RealURL configuration: :: 'postVarSets' => array ( '_DEFAULT' => array ( 'job' => array( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_jobfair_pi1[action]', ), array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_jobfair_pi1[job]', 'lookUpTable' => array( 'table' => 'tx_jobfair_domain_model_job', 'id_field' => 'uid', 'alias_field' => 'job_title', 'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted', 'useUniqueCache' => 1, 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array( 'strtolower' => 1, 'spaceCharacter' => '-', ), 'languageGetVar' => 'L', 'languageExceptionUids' => '', 'languageField' => 'sys_language_uid', 'transOrigPointerField' => 'l10n_parent', 'autoUpdate' => 1, 'expireDays' => 180, ), ), ), ), ), This will tranform your URL to the following format: http://www.yourdomain.com/*pagepath*/job/show/*job_title*.html Note that the pagepath depends on your configuration. | | As an even shorter alternative it is possible to configure the fixedPostVars in your RealURL configuration: :: 'fixedPostVars' => array( 'jobfairConfiguration' => array( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_jobfair_pi1[action]', 'valueMap' => array( 'details' => 'show', 'aktuell' => 'latest', 'neu' => 'new', 'anlegen' => 'create', 'bearbeiten' => 'edit', 'aktualisieren' => 'update', 'loeschen' => 'confirmDelete', 'loeschung' => 'delete', 'bewerbung' => 'newApplication', 'bewerben' => 'createApplication', ), 'noMatch' => 'bypass', ), array( 'cond' => array('prevValueInList' => 'show,edit,confirmDelete,newApplication,createApplication'), 'GETvar' => 'tx_jobfair_pi1[job]', 'lookUpTable' => array( 'table' => 'tx_jobfair_domain_model_job', 'id_field' => 'uid', 'alias_field' => 'job_title', 'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted', 'useUniqueCache' => 1, 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array( 'strtolower' => 1, 'spaceCharacter' => '-', ), ), ), ), '279' => 'jobfairConfiguration', ), Note: You need to adapt the configuration to the page ID where you inserted the jobfair plugin (change 279 to your page ID). How can I hide the jobs tab/field in the backend for Frontend Users? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Add the following TypoScript Configuration to Page TSConfig of your folder containing the Frontend Users (see page proberties) :: TCEFORM.fe_users { jobs.disabled = 1 } The field will be hidden in the Backend I want a latest view on my homepage and link to a different detail page! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Add the plugin to the homepage and set the checkbox "Replace standard list view with latest view" within the plugin. In addition, you need to set the UID ("UID of the page containing the plugin for detail view") to link to your page containing the detail view. How can I change which fields are required to send an application? ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can change the default behaviour by editing the template file "NewApplication.html". Search for the attribute required="required". Plese note: to change the setting for the textarea, you need to set it using a different attribute: :: additionalAttributes="{required: 'required'} How can I change the multiple select fields to simple dropdowns in filter? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to change the partial of the filter field (e.g. category: Resources/Private/Partials/Job/Filter/Category.html). Find the line :: multiple="true" and change it to :: multiple="" size="1" How can I add fields to the selects like contract types? -------------------------------------------------------- The reason why these fields are selects / dropdowns is that the fields where used in the older dmmjobcontrol extension. To make the transition process easy, those fields where not changed. However, you can change both, the quantity of the items and the label. The process on how to change the labels is stated in the FAQ as well. To change those labels in the backend add the following to the page TSConfig: :: TCEFORM.tx_jobfair_domain_model_job.job_type.altLabels.0= XYZ Additionally you have to add the following to the SETUP to change the label in the frontend: :: plugin.tx_jobfair._LOCAL_LANG.default { tx_jobfair_domain_model_job.job_type.0 = XYZ } To add items you can simply add the following to the page TSConfig of the folder containing the jobs: :: TCEFORM.tx_jobfair_domain_model_job.job_type.addItems { 2 = XYZ 3 = TEST 1 4 = TEST 2 } Finally, you need to change the partial JobType.html and add the following if statement (duplicate if you have more additional entries): :: How can I changes file types allowed to upload? ----------------------------------------------- A new feature in TYPO3 CMS 6.2 is that we can simply change the TCA by putting files in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/ The TCA in these files will be added to the cached TCA for extra speed. So if you have not done this before create a simply (empty) extension for your installation. By convention we'll simply use as filename tx_jobfair_domain_model_application.php, in our case: Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tx_jobfair_domain_model_application.php . Insert the following content: ::