.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _screenshots: =========== Screenshots =========== **Ajax search** .. figure:: ../../Images/ajaxSearch.png :class: with-shadow :width: 80% :alt: Ajax search **List view** .. figure:: ../../Images/list.png :class: with-shadow :width: 80% :alt: List view **Detail view** .. figure:: ../../Images/show.png :class: with-shadow :width: 80% :alt: Show view **BackEnd** .. figure:: ../../Images/backend.png :class: with-shadow :width: 80% :alt: Backend **Examples** .. figure:: ../../Images/examples.png :class: with-shadow :width: 80% :alt: Examples **Image groups** The extension uses the OpenImmo structure. OpenImmo defines groups for each image to make the usage of the image easier. You can name the groups as you like. It makes it easier if you want for example to get the **property layout** and display it on another section of the page. .. figure:: ../../Images/group2.png :class: with-shadow :width: 80% :alt: Group 2 .. figure:: ../../Images/group1.png :class: with-shadow :width: 80% :alt: Group 1 Now you can do something like that: .. code-block:: html **Image social media sharing** The extension gives you the option to set an image which will be included on the sharing information of your website, e.g. Facebook (OG), Twitter by storing the url of the image in the meta tags. One image can be rendered. If multiple images have been defined as social media sharing, then only the first one will be rendered. .. figure:: ../../Images/socialMedia.png :class: with-shadow :width: 80% :alt: Social media sharing