.. include:: ../../Includes.rst.txt .. _finishers: Add own Finisher classes ------------------------ Introduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let's say you want to easily add some own php functions, that should be called after a user registered. Maybe you want to handle the user input with: * Send it to an API * Store it in a logfile * Save it into a table * Something else... Small example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just define which classes should be used. Every method like \*Finisher() will be called - e.g. myFinisher(): .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_femanager.settings { finishers { 1 { class = Vendor\Ext\Finisher\DoSomethingFinisher } } } Add a php-file and extend your class with the AbstractFinisher from femanager: .. code-block:: php configuration['foo']; // get subject $subject = $this->getMail()->getSubject(); // ... } } Some notices ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * All methods which are ending with "finisher" will be called - e.g. saveFinisher() * The method initializeFinisher() will always be called at first * Every finisher method could have its own initialize method, which will be called before. Like initializeMyFinisher() before myFinisher() * Classes in extensions (if namespace and filename fits) will be automaticly included from TYPO3 autoloader. If you place a single file in fileadmin, use "require" in TypoScript * Per default 10 and 20 is already in use from femanager itself (SaveToAnyTableFinisher, SendParametersFinisher) since version 2.0