.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _installation: ============ Installation ============ Target group: **Administrators** The extension is installed as any other extension. You can install it via composer by typing .. code-block:: bash composer require itx/jobapplications or the Extension Manager in the Backend or install it locally for example directly from `Github <|project_repository|>`__. Include Static Typoscript ------------------------- You have to include the static typoscript file the Jobapplications extension provides. #. Switch to the root page of your site. #. Switch to the **Template module** and select *Info/Modify*. #. Press the link **Edit the whole template record** and switch to the tab *Includes*. #. Select **Jobapplications (jobapplications)** at the field *Include static (from extensions):* #. Here you can also include the Bootstrap entry, provided by the jobapplications extension, to have a working default layout. #. Also to have working default filters jQuery is required. If not already included elsewhere, you can include a jQuery version via a static template. Create a secure file storage ---------------------------- If your planning to use the application form, create a secure file storage, that is not accessible from the web (if not present already). You can read here how to configure it and set it up: :ref:`Filestorage for applications `. This step is optional, but highly recommended. Route Enhancers --------------- For making the URL readable there is a file provided which can be imported in *config->sites->main->config.yaml* or copied and modified. This file is provided in the extension folder in *Configuration->Routes->Default.yaml*. The provided Route Enhancers enhances the listview, detailview and applicationform. Sitemap Example --------------- Here is an example of a sitemap provider configuration for the extension. Fill in "xxx" with the corresponding ids. .. code-block:: typoscript jobs { provider = TYPO3\CMS\Seo\XmlSitemap\RecordsXmlSitemapDataProvider config { table = tx_jobapplications_domain_model_posting sortField = uid lastModifiedField = tstamp pid = xxx recursive = 0 url { pageId = xxx fieldToParameterMap { uid = tx_jobapplications_detailview[posting] } additionalGetParameters { tx_jobapplications_detailview.controller = Posting tx_jobapplications_detailview.action = show } } } }