.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: typoscript .. index:: Background Colors .. _configuration-background-colors: Define Background Colors ================== | In each grid container one can choose a background color. | Adding this to the PageTS config adds the possibility to define custom background colors to use exactly the same colors in any grid container. ------------ .. confval:: jar.bgcolors :type: object | Multiple colors can be added to each grid container :typoscript:`Label => Value` | Of course either plain labels or `XLIFF `__ can be used. | Example:: jar { bgcolors { LLL:EXT:jar_columnrow/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_be\.xlf:orange = #ED672C LLL:EXT:jar_columnrow/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_be\.xlf:light_gray = #A5A5A5 } }