.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Quickstart .. _quickstart: Quickstart ======== Follow the steps below to set up a simple grid element with two rows. .. _installation: Installation ---------- Install the extension jar_columnrow via extension manager or via composer (recommended): .. code-block:: none composer require jar/jar_columnrow You can find the current version (and older ones) at TBA Include static template ----------------------- In your main template include the static template "Jar Column Row" of the extension jar_columnrow. Add Column Row ------------ Navigate to a page with the page module enabled and add a new content element. |Choose "Column Row" in the new tab "Grids". .. image:: ../Images/QuickStart/quick1.png Configure Element ----------------- You can add new columns in the repeater at the bottom .. image:: ../Images/QuickStart/quick2.png In basic view you can now choose the width of each column. For example two columns with 50% each. .. image:: ../Images/QuickStart/quick3.png After saving and exiting, you can add content elements inside your new column rows either by creating or simply by drag and drop. .. image:: ../Images/QuickStart/quick4.png