.. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= Target group: **Administrators** .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 :local: .. _configuration-extension: Extension configuration ======================= To configure the extension, go to :guilabel:`Admin Tools > Settings > Extension Configuration` and click on the :guilabel:`Configure extensions` button. Open the :guilabel:`jobrouter_process` configuration: .. figure:: /Images/extension-configuration.png :alt: Options in the extension configuration Options in the extension configuration Encryption ---------- Encrypt transfer data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If activated, the fields `processtable` and `summary` are encrypted for enhanced security in the transfer table when using the :ref:`Preparer ` class or the :ref:`JobRouterStartInstance ` form finisher. .. tip:: You should consider activating the encryption of the transfer data as this ensures confidentiality and integrity! .. important:: If you lose or change the encryption key (generated with the :ref:`JobRouter Connector extension `), data cannot be decrypted by the :ref:`start process command ` anymore! .. _configuration-dashboard: Dashboard widget configuration ============================== Instance starts --------------- The number of instance starts by days can be visualised by the widget :ref:`Instance Starts `. By default, 14 days are shown. This can be overridden in the :file:`Configuration/Services.yaml` of your site package extension (or any other dependent extension): .. code-block:: yaml :caption: EXT:my_sitepackage/Configuration/Services.yaml parameters: jobrouter_process.widget.transfersPerDay.numberOfDays: 14 Instance start types -------------------- The instance starts of the last 14 days (including the current day) are taken into account for the :ref:`Instance Start Types widget `. This can be overridden in the :file:`Configuration/Services.yaml` of your site package extension (or any other dependent extension): .. code-block:: yaml :caption: EXT:my_sitepackage/Configuration/Services.yaml parameters: jobrouter_process.widget.typeOfInstanceStarts.numberOfDays: 14 As already mentioned, the current day is also considered. So if you use :yaml:`1` for the number of days, the widget will only show instance starts from today. .. _configuration-logging: Logging ======= If logging is necessary to track process instance starts and possible warnings or errors, you can set up :ref:`log writers ` depending on your needs. **Example:** To log all warnings and higher levels of this extension into a file, add this snippet to the :file:`ext_localconf.php` file of your site package extension: .. code-block:: php :caption: EXT:my_sitepackage/ext_localconf.php use Psr\Log\Level; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriter; $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['LOG']['JobRouter']['AddOn']['Typo3Process']['writerConfiguration'][Level::WARNING] = [ FileWriter::class => [ 'logFileInfix' => 'jobrouter_process' ] ]; The messages are then written to the :file:`var/log/typo3_jobrouter_process_.log` file.