.. _upgrade: ======= Upgrade ======= Target group: **Developers** From version 2.0 to 3.0 ======================= The namespace of the JobRouter TYPO3 Process classes have changed from .. code-block:: plaintext \Brotkrueml\JobRouterProcess to .. code-block:: plaintext \JobRouter\Addon\Typo3Process The easiest way to update your code to the new namespace is to use search/replace in your project. The package name (used in :file:`composer.json`) has changed from `brotkrueml/jobrouter-typo3-process` to `jobrouter/typo3-process`. From version 1.x to version 2 ============================= Version 2 of this extension introduced some breaking changes, notably: * The repository classes are no longer based on Extbase. They are now using the connection object or the query builder provided by TYPO3 and Doctrine DBAL. * The Extbase model classes are gone. Instead there are now immutable entity classes for process, processtablefield, step and transfer under the namespace :php:`JobRouter\AddOn\Typo3Process\Domain\Entity`. There are also no getters available anymore, instead use the public properties (which are readonly).