.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========== Pagination ========== `events2` uses the `SimplePagination` from TYPO3 Core to navigate through your records with `first`, `previous`, `next` and `last` buttons. If you need something more complex like `1, 2 ... 56, 57, 58 ... 123, 124` you should use another pagination library or build your own one. In the next steps I explain you how to implement the numbered_pagination solution of Georg Ringers. .. rst-class:: bignums 1. Install `numbered_pagination` Install and activate `numbered_pagination` extension from Georg Ringer. Please check in your SitePackage extension that `numbered_pagination` is set as a dependency and will be loaded before `events2` and your SitePackage. 2. Change pagination class in TypoScript .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_events2.settings.pageBrowser.class = GeorgRinger\NumberedPagination\NumberedPagination 3. Change path to events2 partials Set constant `partialRootPath` to a location within your SitePackage: .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_events2.view.partialRootPath = EXT:site_package/Resources/Private/Extensions/Events2/Partials/ 4. Create Pagination template Create file `Resources/Private/Extensions/Events2/Partials/Component/Pagination.html` with example content from numbered_pagination https://github.com/georgringer/numbered_pagination/blob/master/Resources/Private/Partials/Pagination.html .. code-block:: html 5. Clear Cache Needed to reload the fluid templates.