.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _form: ==== Form ==== .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: SalesforceFinisher options: targetUrl: 'https://...' orgid: '0123456' recordType: '34567890' #type: '' #origin: '' #username: '' #password: '' Finisher Options ================ targetUrl --------- .. confval:: targetUrl :Required: true :type: string :Default: [EMPTY] :Path: finishers.*.options Set the `*.php` URI endpoint of the salesforce API endpoint starting with `https://`. Example: `http://www.target.com/target.php`. orgid ----- This is a salesforce specific option. .. confval:: orgid :Required: true :type: integer :Default: [EMPTY] :Path: finishers.*.options Set the organization UID. recordType ---------- This is a salesforce specific option. .. confval:: recordType :Required: true :type: string :Default: [EMPTY] :Path: finishers.*.options Set the record type. type ---- This is a salesforce specific option. .. confval:: type :Required: true :type: string :Default: [EMPTY] :Path: finishers.*.options Set the type. origin ------ This is a salesforce specific option. .. confval:: origin :Required: true :type: string :Default: [EMPTY] :Path: finishers.*.options Set the origin. username -------- Basic Auth Protection - leave empty if Target is not protected. .. confval:: username :type: string :Default: [EMPTY] :Path: finishers.*.options Set the username for the `.htaccess` basic auth protection. password -------- Basic Auth Protection - leave empty if Target is not protected. .. confval:: password :type: string :Default: [EMPTY] :Path: finishers.*.options Set the password for the `.htaccess` basic auth protection.