.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _glossary-api: ============ Glossary API ============ Since glossary2 4.0.0 we deliver a new Glossary API which you can use to implement a Glossary Index (A-Z list) into your own extension. All the magic you need you'll find in GlossaryService class. Build Glossary ============== In class GlossaryService you will find public method called `buildGlossary` which you have to use. As our API does not know the table to use and does not know further WHERE conditions, it is up to you to deliver a QueryBuilder instance as first argument. We prefer to create a new method within your Repository like `getQueryBuilderToFindAllEntries`. .. code-block:: php public function getQueryBuilderToFindAllEntries(): QueryBuilder { $table = 'tx_myext_domain_model_whatever'; $query = $this->createQuery(); $queryBuilder = $this->getConnectionPool()->getQueryBuilderForTable($table); $queryBuilder->setRestrictions(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FrontendRestrictionContainer::class)); // Do not set any SELECT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY statement. It will be set by glossary2 API $queryBuilder ->from($table) ->where( $queryBuilder->expr()->in( 'pid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter( $query->getQuerySettings()->getStoragePageIds(), Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY ) ) ); return $queryBuilder; } protected function getConnectionPool(): ConnectionPool { return GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class); } Within your controller you can call our API that way: .. code-block:: php /** * @param string $letter Show only records starting with this letter * @Extbase\Validate("String", param="letter") * @Extbase\Validate("StringLength", param="letter", options={"minimum": 0, "maximum": 3}) */ public function listAction(string $letter = ''): void { $companies = $this->companyRepository->findByStartingLetter($letter, $this->settings); $this->view->assign('companies', $companies); $this->view->assign( 'glossar', $this->glossaryService->buildGlossary( $this->myRepository->getQueryBuilderToFindAllEntries() ) ); } This will transfer the fully rendered HTML Glossar to View. Use `f:format.raw()` in Fluid Template: .. code-block:: html {glossar -> f:format.raw()} Configure Glossary API ====================== If you want, you can configure our API with second `options` argument: .. code-block:: php $this->view->assign( 'glossar', $this->glossaryService->buildGlossary( $this->myRepository->getQueryBuilderToFindAllEntries(), [ 'settings' => $this->settings, 'templatePath' => 'EXT:myext:/Resources/Private/Templates/Glossary.html', ] ) ); templatePath ------------ Default: EXT:glossary2/Resources/Private/Templates/Glossary.html All rendering of the Glossary is in one file. There is no configuration for partial-, template- nor for layoutRootPaths. settings -------- Default: empty If you have your own Template defined, it may be useful to have your own settings inside of your template. Assign your own settings or use settings of your controller (see example above). extensionName ------------- Default: glossary2 Please change default value to extension name of your extension. This is needed for correct linking of the A-Z list. It will be used within the Plugin namespace in URI: `tx_extensionname_pluginname`. Underscores will automatically be converted to UpperCamelCase. It's your part to check the GET parameters (letter) and adapt your queries to show filtered records. pluginName ---------- Default: glossar Please change default value to plugin name of your extension. This is needed for correct linking of the A-Z list. It will be used within the Plugin namespace in URI: `tx_extensionname_pluginname`. It's your part to check the GET parameters (letter) and adapt your queries to show filtered records. controllerName -------------- Default: Glossar Please change default value to controller name which should be used for links. It will be used as controller part in URI: `tx_extensionname_pluginname[controllerName]`. It's your part to check the GET parameters (letter) and adapt your queries to show filtered records. actionName ---------- Default: list Please change default value to action name of given controller name above,which should be used for links. It will be used as action part in URI: `tx_extensionname_pluginname[actionName]`. It's your part to check the GET parameters (letter) and adapt your queries to show filtered records. mergeNumbers ------------ Default: true By default the numbers will be represented in A-Z list as 0-9 instead of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. column ------ Default: title The column of your QueryBuilder to extract the first letters from. columnAlias ----------- Default: Letter To prevent duplicate usage of column in GROUP BY and ORDER BY we are working with an column alias. If you already have a column called `Letter` in your table you should change that property to something unique. possibleLetters --------------- If empty it uses the default from ExtensionSettings Default: 0-9,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z These are the allowed letters to be shown in frontend. So, if you remove for example the letter `r`, it will not be shown in frontend, regardless if a record starting with `r` is in ResultSet or not. If you disable `mergeNumbers` you have to add each individual number here instead of using 0-9. It is not allowed to use a combination of numbers and a range like: 0, 1-3, 4. It is not allowed to use ranges other that 0-9 like: 0-3, 4-9. Extend your controller ====================== It is up to you to process the letter in your controller. In most cases you may extend your listAction: .. code-block:: php /** * @param string $letter */ public function listAction(string $letter = '') { if ($letter) { $myRecords = $this->myRepo->findByLetter($letter); } else { $myRecords = $this->myRepo->findAll(); } $this->view->assign('myRecords', $myRecords); } Extend your Repository ====================== Above we have used a new method `findByLetter`. With glossary2 4.1.0 you can use our API with Extbase Query or Doctrine. Example for Extbase Query ------------------------- .. code-block:: php public function findByLetter(string $letter): QueryResultInterface { $glossaryService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(GlossaryService::class); $query = $this->createQuery(); $constraints = []; $constraints[] = $glossaryService->getLetterConstraintForExtbaseQuery($query, 'myColumnName', $letter); return $query->matching($query->logicalAnd($constraints))->execute(); } Example for Doctrine -------------------- .. code-block:: php public function findByLetter(string $letter): QueryResultInterface { $glossaryService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(GlossaryService::class); $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('my_table'); $queryBuilder ->select('*') ->from('my_table') ->where($glossaryService->getLetterConstraintForDoctrineQuery($queryBuilder, 'my_colum_name', $letter)); $query = $this->createQuery(); return $query->statement($queryBuilder)->execute(); } Extend Glossary Function ======================== We have added two SignalSlots to extend functionality of glossary API postProcessFirstLetters ----------------------- After retrieving the possible first letters from database, we clean, sort and remove duplicates. The result will then be sent to this SignalSlot including the currently used QueryBuilder. It's a simple array as reference: .. code-block:: php $firstLetters = [ 0 => '0', 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c', ... ]; Add or remove letters as you like. modifyLetterMapping ------------------- After retrieving the possible first letters from database, we start a cleaning process of each individual letter. Here, we will map all german umlauts ÄÖÜ to its AOU representation. If you need further mappings like for french or spain you can use this SignalSlot. You will get the $letterMapping array which you have to return within SignalSlot (not reference). .. code-block:: php $letterMapping = [ // default entries for germany 'ä' => 'a', 'ö' => 'e', 'ü' => 'u', // new entries of your extension 'à' => 'a', 'è' => 'e', 'ù' => 'u', ... ];