.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========== JW Tools 2 ========== :Extension key: jwtools2 :Package name: jweiland/jwtools2 :Version: |release| :Language: en :Author: Stefan Froemken, Hoja Mustaffa Abdul Latheef :License: This document is published under the `Creative Commons BY 4.0 `__ license. :Rendered: |today| ---- `jwtools2` comes with a huge set of tools for TYPO3. Each feature you want has to be activated first, before using. So, only activate, what you really need. ---- **Table of Contents:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: Introduction/Index Installation/Index Configuration/Index KnownProblems/Index AdministratorManual/Index Contribute/Index ChangeLog/Index Links .. Meta Menu .. toctree:: :hidden: Sitemap genindex