.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.rst.txt .. _developer-maps2registry: Maps2 Registry ============== Available since version 3.0.0 This is a pretty cool feature to extend your own extension with a new field which will hold the reference UID to a PoiCollection record of maps2. So, if you have a location record or something similar, then you can use our Maps2 registry to create a new field into a table of your extension. The default name of the column will be ``tx_maps2_uid``, but you can change that, if you want. Our Maps2 registry is adapted from :ref:`TYPO3s Category Registry ` Create a new file in [yourExt]/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/[yourTableName].php and add following lines: .. code-block:: php add( 'events2', // ext key 'tx_events2_domain_model_location', // your tablename 'maps2' // fieldname of table above. Defaults to `tx_maps2_uid` ); .. important:: After adding these lines of code you have to de- and reactivate your extension in ExtensionManager to execute the SQL queries in behind. Alternatively you can go into InstallTool and execute Database Compare to insert the new configured field.