.. include:: ../../Includes.rst.txt Updating ======== If you update EXT:maps2 to a newer version, please read this section carefully! Update to Version 6.0.0 ----------------------- The current CacheIdentifier for InfoWindowContent is not save for multilingual environments. That way we have removed cacheIdentifier property from all Cache ViewHelpers and added the new property poiCollection. It helps us to build a more unique CacheIdentifier with GeneralUtility::stdAuthCode() You have to update all of your templates where our Cache ViewHelpers are used. In most cases only InfoWindowContent.html has to be modified. Please remove cacheIdentifier from all Cache ViewHelpers and add poiCollection instead: Before: ```` After: ```` Please you are interested into Cache ViewHelper properties, please have a look into our updated Documentation. Update to Version 5.1.0 ----------------------- We have removed the hard-coded map provider settings from VH Widgets and added these to TS-Template. So please check your maps2 output and/or individual JS, if our Widget VHs are still working for you. If you don't make use of our Widget ViewHelpers there should be no problem with this update. Update to Version 5.0.0 ----------------------- We have added an Open Street Map Implementation. To differ between them we have added two new static templates. One for Google Maps and one for Open Street Map. You have to keep the Default static template, but you have to add one of the other static templates. There is a new Option called `mapProvider` in ExtensionManager. Please set the `mapProvider` and `default mapProvider` to your needs. We have moved some Google Maps fields in FlexForm to another sheet. To prevent duplicates in DB please execute Update Wizard in Installtool. We have removed automatic registering tx_maps2_uid column for tt_address. Please take a look into the example of Maps2 Registry to see how it works. As we have removed our API class GoogleMapsService completely you now have to use the API methods in MapService and GeoCodeService instead. `getPositionsByAddress` returns an ObjectStorage containing Position objects instead of RadiusResult objects now. `getFirstFoundPositionByAddress` return an object of type Position now. Update to Version 4.0.0 ----------------------- We have added some new fields to maps2. So please go into Extensionmanager and open the configuration. Please check, if everything matches your needs and safe the configuration. You have to clear the system cache, because of new fields in TCA. We have renamed the field ``marker_icon`` from table ``sys_category`` into ``maps2_marker_icons`` and switched to FAL related images. Please execute Update script in Extensionmanager for ``maps2`` to migrate your old images. We have moved all JavaScript Code from ``page.includeJSFooter`` to ``page.includeJSFooterlibs``, so now you have better options to override or append our/your custom JavaScript in TypoScript. All methods of MapService have been migrated into GoogleMapsService. GeocodeUtility have been deleted. Please use getPositionsByAddress or getFirstFoundPositionByAddress of GoogleMapsService. Update to Version 3.0.0 ----------------------- We have removed TYPO3 6.2 compatibility completely. In f.e. germany it is not allowed to send the users ip address without his confirmation. That's why we have added a new extension management configuration which can output a little form, where the user can accept sending his information to third party servers like Google to display the maps. This new feature touches nearly all methods, so, if you have extended maps2, please pre-check the new widget templates and actions. Maybe it's good to have a look into the new GoogleMapsService class. Update to Version 2.5.0 ----------------------- With version 2.5.0 we have solved a camelcase problem of the cache table. It was renamed from cf_maps2_cachedHtml to cf_maps2_cachedhtml. Please delete the old tables cf_maps2_cachedHtml and cf_maps2_cachedHtml_tags, deactivate maps2 in extension manager and activate it again. .. important:: It does not help to rename these tables only. Update to Version 2.0.0 ----------------------- Version 2.0.0 needs a Google Maps JavaScript ApiKey which has to be inserted in maps2 configuration of Extensionmanager (for BE usage) and in constants section of your TypoScript-Template (for FE usage). That's why you have to insert the static template **Maps2 (maps2)** in your TypoScript Template now. Furthermore we have updated the FlexForm of maps2 and removed the option for SwitchableControllerActions. With version 2.1.2 we have added an Update-Wizard in Extensionmanager which can do that job for you. In prior versions you have to remove that setting of each plugin in tt_content record field pi_flexform on your own. .. important:: It does not help to open and save the record in backend!