.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _changelog: ChangeLog ========= **Version 9.2.1** - Bugfix: Fallback to "footway", if "road" was not found in OSM response **Version 9.2.0** - Feature: Add all related foreign records to PoiCollection - Feature: New SignalSlot to modify related foreign records before adding them to PoiCollection **Version 9.1.0** - Feature: Allow Info Window for all Map Types **Version 9.0.1** - Replace "var" with "let" in OpenStreetMap Module JS - Use same scheme from current request for MapTiles in OpenStreetMap Module JS **Version 9.0.0** - First version which is compatible with TYPO3 10. - Removed TYPO3 8.7 compatibility - Replace Extbase @validate annotations - Replace Extbase @lazy and @cascade Annotations - Remove old Form Elements for TYPO3 8.7 - Make use of new ExtensionConfiguration class - Reduce ext_tables.sql to business columns only - Use Symfony expressions in TypoScript - Add strict types where possible - Adopt UnitTests **Version 8.0.1** - Restructured GoogleMapsModule JS file to be more compatible with requireJS **Version 8.0.0** - SignalSlot preIsRecordAllowedToCreatePoiCollectionCatch does not allow returning $isValid as 4th parameter anymore - Add Message Handling to Map Provider Clients. **Version 7.1.5** - Catch Exception for TYPO3 8 in ArrayUtility of sysext core. **Version 7.1.4** - Check FlexForm for each entry before processing them in UpgradeWizard **Version 7.1.3** - Set previous RenderingContext in edit POI Widget to have access to ViewHelperVariableContainer **Version 7.1.2** - Do not build Request of foreign extensions, to check, if map should be shown or not. **Version 7.1.1** - As references can not be passed to call_user_func in SignalSlot Dispatcher, we have to use the SlotReturn value to get new value of isValid. **Version 7.1.0** - Add possibility to pre-filter records with help of Maps2Registry API before attaching a PoiCollection record - Add possibility to pre-filter records with help of a SignalSlot before attaching a PoiCollection record - Update Documentation **Version 7.0.0** - Remove AjaxController. There is no need anymore after switch to AjaxDispatcher. - Remove ModifyMarker Ajax Request, as we update position fields in BE form directly. - Remove all extbase classes from Ajax Calls and switch over to Doctrine - Update Documentation **Version 6.1.0** - Option mouseScrollWheelZoom is now available for Google Maps and OpenStreetMap - All FlashMessages are now created by MessageHelper - All FlashMessages are now stored in Session **Version 6.0.0** - Breaking: Removed cacheIdentifier property from all Cache ViewHelpers - Bugfix: Create better multilingual CacheIdentifier for InfoWindow content. - Feature: New CacheService to manage CacheIdentifiers and CacheTags - Task: Remove CacheEntry after storing of PoiCollection in Backend with help of "flushByTag" instead of "remove" - Update Documentation of Cache ViewHelpers - Bugfix: Clear InfoWindowContent Cache for our own records, too. **Version 5.3.1** - Bugfix: Wrong HTML id in AllowMapForm as {data} was not assigned in MapService - Task: Remove mapHeight und mapWidth from AllowMapForm template **Version 5.3.0** - Task: Update address in PoiCollection if necessary - Feature: In AddressHelper you can now check a formatted address against foreignLocationRecord - Bugfix: Clear Maps2 HTML Cache after a PoiCollection was saved. **Version 5.2.10** - Bugfix: Repair checkForUpdate in Flexform migration class - Bugfix: Store FlashMessages in Session for BE context **Version 5.2.9** - Bugfix again: Do not try to update empty pi_flexform columns in Wizard **Version 5.2.8** - Bugfix: Do not try to update empty pi_flexform columns in Wizard **Version 5.2.7** - Bugfix: Add extKey to getConfiguration() settings of maps2 only **Version 5.2.6** - Documentation: Repair links to Cache VHs and Widget VHs in Documentation **Version 5.2.5** - Documentation: Better explaination of using Maps2Registry - Bugfix: Better check to prevent loading session again **Version 5.2.4** - UniTest: Update secure of slack notification in Travis - Bugfix: Fill cruser_id with be_user ID if set, else with 0 **Version 5.2.3** - Bugfix: Add compatibility for UpdateWizard in TYPO3 8 and 9 **Version 5.2.2** - Bugfix: Remove quotes from geocode uri - Bugfix: Disable compression for js files with get parameters - Bugfix: Re-check, if maps2 cache is initializable in Maps2Registry **Version 5.2.1** - Bugfix: Correct wrong geocode URIs in ext_conf_template **Version 5.2.0** - Feature: Show all PoiCollections of a StorageFolder - Feature: Force set zoom level - Feature: Add possibility to change Geocode API URI of map providers **Version 5.1.0** - Make use of initializeArguments in VH Widgets - Add plugin defaults to TS-Templates - Correct merging of settings in VH Widgets **Version 5.0.3** - Repair zoom level settings for OSM **Version 5.0.0** - Rewritten documentation - Add new ext_icon as SVG - Add OpenStreetMap Implementation - Update various translations - Add placeholders to style settings in TCA - Add mapProvider to switch between GM and OSM in Backend - Add static templates for GM and OSM - Remove automatic maps2 registry for tt_address **Version 4.3.5** - Set default of relation columns to 0. strict_type. **Version 4.3.4** - Check against NULL before unserialize ExtConf **Version 4.3.3** - Replace deprecated placeIdOnly with setFields in Google Maps JS **Version 4.3.2** - Implement better record icons