.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _examples: Example configurations ====================== In this section you will find some examples how ext:replacer can be used. Replace pattern only within tags using a regex ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is even possible to replace content just within a specific tag like a parameter. **Replace content within a paragraph** :: config.tx_replacer { enable_regex = 1 search { 10 = #(]*>.*?)SEARCH(.*?<\/p>)# } replace { 10 = $1REPLACE$2 } } Original ::


Replaced by ::


Replace links for CDN usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The example TypoScript replaces typo3temp, typo3conf, uploads and fileadmin occurrences with CDN links. **CDN example:** :: config.tx_replacer { search { 10 = "/typo3temp/ 11 = "typo3temp/ 12 = "/typo3conf/ 13 = "typo3conf/ 14 = "/uploads/ 15 = "uploads/ 16 = "fileadmin/ 17 = "/fileadmin/ } replace { 10 = "https://cdn.tld/typo3temp/ 11 = "https://cdn.tld/typo3temp/ 12 = "https://cdn.tld/typo3conf/ 13 = "https://cdn.tld/typo3conf/ 14 = "https://cdn.tld/uploads/ 15 = "https://cdn.tld/uploads/ 16 = "https://cdn.tld/fileadmin/ 17 = "https://cdn.tld/fileadmin/ } } Original :: Replaced by :: Use stdWrap for search and replacement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can use stdWrap functionality if you need a more dynamic way to search and replace content. The main step is equal with the basic configuration like above. You can also use a regex as search pattern and a stdWrap as replacement at the same time! **Use page title as replacement** :: config.tx_replacer { search { 10 = ###TITLE### } replace { 10 = 10.stdWrap.field = title } } **Use page modification date as replacement** :: config.tx_replacer { search { 10 = ###TIMESTAMP### } replace { 10 = 10.stdWrap { # format like 2017-05-31 09:08 field = tstamp date = Y-m-d H:i } } Take a look into the stdWrap documentation (https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Functions/Stdwrap/Index.html) for more information.