.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _upgrade: Upgrade ======= Version 7.0.0 ------------- In this release, we've addressed compatibility issues with TYPO3 12 LTS and have streamlined compatibility by removing support for lower versions. A crucial step in this version upgrade is to execute the upgrade wizard, ensuring a smooth transition of all switchable controller actions to separate plugins. Version 6.0.0 ------------- We have migrated the Solr Indexer Task into a command. Please copy the values of the old tasks, delete the tasks, create new scheduler tasks of type `Execute console command`, choose `servicebw2::preparesolrindex` and save the task. After the reload new fields for the chosen command will be visible. Fill in the values from above and save again. Version 5.0.0 ------------- We updated the whole extension because of the Service BW API Version 2. There is a new much simpler ServiceBwClient which can be used for all API requests (even for version 1). We removed the post processors and post processor hook of ServiceBwClient. If you added a custom or extended an existing one then keep in mind that these no longer work. If you added your own requests, you have to update them. Use `JWeiland\\ServiceBw2\\Request\\AbstractRequest` as base and take a look at the other request classes to build your own one. The newer ServiceBwClient is much easier to understand so it should not take very long to migrate your old request classes. Custom fluid templates must also be updated due to the new object structure from API v2. To do this, use the existing templates and go through the templates piece by piece. Third party extensions that use `JWeiland\\ServiceBw2\\Utility\\TCAUtility` and `JWeiland\\ServiceBw2\\Utility\\ModelUtility` should not be affected. We updated those classes but kept the public methods and properties. Version 3.0.0 ------------- We have simplified the Plugin Configuration. That's why you have to change your TS Setup and TS Constants from :typoscript:`plugin.tx_servicebw2_servicebw` to :typoscript:`plugin.tx_servicebw2` Version 2.1.1 ------------- Bugfix Release for TYPO3 9. As there is no StringFrontend in Caching System of TYPO3 9 anymore we had to switch over to VariableFrontend. Now the cache data itself will be stored in another format, that's why you have to Clear all Caches.