.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: Extension/Index TypoScript/Index Maps2/Index Solr/Index Please follow these steps to configure `service_bw2`: .. rst-class:: bignums 1. Extension Settings Login to TYPO3 backend as an admin or system maintainer and chose `Settings` from the left menu. Click on `Configure Extensions` and chose `service_bw2`. Fill in the needed values as described here: :ref:`extensionSettings` 2. Scheduler Tasks `service_bw2` does not work with LIVE data from Service BW API. It only works with cached data. That prevents TYPO3 to show error messages in frontend, if Service BW API is temporary not available. Please head over to the scheduler module in TYPO3 backend and create a new task: * Class `Execute console commands` * Type: `recurring` * Frequency: We recommend `86400` * Scheduleable Command: `servicebw:cachewarmup` * Click `Save` to reload and show the further options: * Activate option: `include-lebenslagen` * Activate option: `include-leistungen` * Activate option: `include-organisationseinheiten` * Option `locales`: leave empty, to collect records for all allowed languages * Save and close the task to return to the task overview Execute the task manually the first time. .. warning:: If there are a lot of records to synchronize, it may happen that you will get an error after ~90-240 seconds (PHP:max_execution_time). Don't worry, the task will still run in background. Click on `Scheduler` again and you will see that task is still running. Reload the Scheduler page until the task has finished synchronizing all records. 3. Create Pages Now you need to create some pages for list and detail view for all services (Organisationseinheiten, Lebenslagen, Leistungen) you want to show: .. figure:: ../Images/Configuration/PageTree.png :alt: Example Page Tree 4. Configure TypoScript We prefer to set at least all the PIDs in TS settings. That will prevent you to set all these PIDs in each plugins individually. See :ref:`typoscript` how to set defaults for all plugins. 5. Add Plugins For all created pages you need to add the `Service BW` plugin. .. figure:: ../Images/Configuration/ChoosePlugin.png :alt: Choose plugin from content element wizard The plugin contains a selectbox to choose the `Display mode`. Select the desired display mode for your page. In case of `Organisationseinheiten list view` there is an additional field you should fill `Choose items to display`. We prefer choosing the first item from the left list element to show all available items in frontend. If you have configured the PIDs with help of TypoScript you can save the plugin now. Else you have to set all these PIDs for list and detail view individually.