.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _installation: ============ Installation ============ Composer ======== If your TYPO3 installation works in composer mode, please execute following command: .. code-block:: bash composer req jweiland/service-bw2 vendor/bin/typo3 extension:setup --extension=service_bw2 If you work with DDEV please execute this command: .. code-block:: bash ddev composer req jweiland/service-bw2 ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3 extension:setup --extension=service_bw2 ExtensionManager ================ On non composer based TYPO3 installations you can install `service_bw2` still over the ExtensionManager: .. rst-class:: bignums 1. Login Login to backend of your TYPO3 installation as an administrator or system maintainer. 2. Open ExtensionManager Click on `Extensions` from the left menu to open the ExtensionManager. 3. Update Extensions Choose `Get Extensions` from the upper selectbox and click on the `Update now` button at the upper right. 4. Install `service_bw2` Use the search field to find `service_bw2`. Choose the `service_bw2` line from the search result and click on the cloud icon to install `service_bw2`. Next step ========= :ref:`Configure service_bw2 `.