.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _user-manual: ============ Users Manual ============ The extension adds a plugin called "Service BW". This plugin is well configurable thanks to flex forms. .. figure:: ../Images/UserManual/PluginSettings.jpg :width: 250px :alt: Service BW plugin settings There are three types of items right now. The important thing is that some of them are connected to other types. For example a department (Organisationseinheit) can have some Services (Leistungen). Because of that behaviour you have to set the detail and list pages in every Service BW plugin. .. figure:: ../Images/UserManual/PagesExample.jpg :width: 500px :alt: Example configuration Type specific configuration =========================== There may be some additional configuration for a type. In this section you can take a look at those settings. Departments (Organisationseinheiten) ------------------------------------ List view ~~~~~~~~~ Choose items to display (recursive) Most time it´s not necessary to display all departments with all children in one list. You can define one or more start points with this setting. For example: Your city is a department and all city related departments are children of the city department. In this case you select the city department as starting point to get a cleaner list. Detail view ~~~~~~~~~~~ This extension has a ext:maps2 integration for departments. The address provided by the Service BW API will be used to create maps2 records for a department. Where to store maps2 records of Organisationseinheit items? The folder where maps2 records for service_bw2 have to stay. Detail page for maps2 poi collection The detail page to display maps2 records coming from a department detail view. .. figure:: ../Images/UserManual/OrganisationseinheitDetailViewSettings.jpg :width: 500px :alt: Example configuration Services (Leistungen) --------------------- Detail view ~~~~~~~~~~~ Region IDs (comma separated list) The region id will be used to display forms (API name: Externe Formulare) by region and service (Leistung) Hide selected assigned life situations In this case assigned life situations are departments (Organisationseinheiten). Maybe you don´t want that your cities "main" department will be listed on every page. Then you can add those department(s) to the list. .. figure:: ../Images/UserManual/ServicesDetailViewSettings.jpg :width: 500px :alt: Example settings