.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _configuration: Configuration ============= Target group: **Developers, Integrators** Minimal Example --------------- - It is necessary to include static template `Walls.io Proxy (walls_io_proxy)` This will set the path to our Main Template file, which can can change of cause: .. code-block:: typoscript tt_content.wallsioproxy { # Override our template, if you want templateRootPaths.10 = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Templates/ } .. _configuration-typoscript: TypoScript Setup Reference -------------------------- You can change the templateRootPaths. See above. Further you can change walls.io CSS file and our JS: .. code-block:: typoscript # Change CSS file page.includeCSS.wall-fluid = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Public/Css/WhatEver.css # Change our JS file page.includeJSFooterlibs.wall-fluid = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Wall.js .. _configuration-wallsioproxy: ContentElement Settings ----------------------- After installation of walls_io_proxy you will find a new ContentElement in newContentElementWizard called "Walls.io Proxy". On Tab "Walls.io" you can configure the Output as follows: Wall ID ~~~~~~~ To show the correct Wall which you have configured in customer menu of walls.io, you have to add the specific wallId here. Click the label of this field to get more information about where you can find the WallId. Amount of entries to load ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How many entries should be loaded with request? Should be a multiple of "Amount of entries to show". Amount of entries to show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This amount of entries will be visible displayed in frontend. With each hit on the load more button this amount of entries will be appended to the current visible entries in frontend.