.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _speakingUrl: ======================================= Sample RouteEnhancer for speaking url's ======================================= Use it in your site configuration --------------------------------- Here is a sample `Extbase Plugin Enhancer `_ to use speaking url's for single views of operations, vehicles, resources and the pages in list with pagination. .. highlight:: yaml :: routeEnhancers: OperationsPlugin: type: Extbase limitToPages: [2,4,6,8] extension: Operations plugin: List routes: - { routePath: '/list-{page}', _controller: 'Operation::list', _arguments: {'page': '@widget_0/currentPage'} } - { routePath: '/{operation_title}', _controller: 'Operation::show', _arguments: {'operation_title': 'operation'} } - { routePath: '/{vehicle_title}', _controller: 'Vehicle::show', _arguments: {'vehicle_title': 'vehicle'} } - { routePath: '/{resource_title}', _controller: 'Resource::show', _arguments: {'resource_title': 'resource'} } defaultController: 'Operation::list' defaults: page: '0' requirements: page: '\d+' aspects: page: type: StaticRangeMapper start: '1' end: '200' operation_title: type: PersistedAliasMapper tableName: 'tx_operations_domain_model_operation' routeFieldName: 'path_segment' vehicle_title: type: PersistedAliasMapper tableName: 'tx_operations_domain_model_vehicle' routeFieldName: 'path_segment' resource_title: type: PersistedAliasMapper tableName: 'tx_operations_domain_model_resource' routeFieldName: 'path_segment'