.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _admin-manual: #################### Administrator Manual #################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 ************ Installation ************ Composer Mode ============= It is highly recommended to install this extension by using composer. This is the only supported way. Please run the following commands in your webroot where the TYPO3 :file:`composer.json` is located: .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl #. Fetch Kitodo.Presentation with Composer .. code-block:: shell composer require kitodo/presentation:^3.2 #. Install and Activate the Extension .. code-block:: shell ./vendor/typo3 extension:activate dlf Classic Mode ============ However, there are two options to install the required packages solarium/solarium and symfony/event-dispatcher in non-composer mode: a. Run the command :php:`composer update` within the directory of the extension. All required packages are downloaded automatically to the vendor subdirectory. b. Download the required packages manually to vendor/solarium/solarium and vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher. Please check the require sections in :file:`composer.json` of the extension, solarium and event-dispatcher to download and install matching versions. After the installation of the packages in non-composer mode you have to deactivate and (re-)activate the extension in the extension manager to trigger the TYPO3 autoloader to rebuild the classmap.