.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _system_setup: ############ System Setup ############ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 *********** TYPO3 Setup *********** Extension Configuration ======================= This step is obligatory! * go to the Extension Configuration (:file:`ADMIN TOOLS -> Settings -> Extension Configuration`). * open dlf * check and save the configuration After this step, the require tx_dlf_formats records are created on the root page (uid=0). TYPO3 Configuration =================== Disable caching in certain situations ------------------------------------- Navigation Plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *navigation plugin* provides a page selection dropdown input field. The resulting action url cannot contain a valid cHash value. The default behaviour of TYPO3 is to call the pageNotFound handler and/or to show an exception: .. figure:: ../Images/Configuration/typo3_pagenotfoundonchasherror.png :width: 820px :alt: TYPO3 Error-Message "Reason: Request parameters could not be validated (&cHash empty)" TYPO3 Error-Message "Reason: Request parameters could not be validated (&cHash empty)" This is not the desired behaviour. You should disable :code:`$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['pageNotFoundOnCHashError'] = 0` to show the requested page instead. The caching will be disabled in this case. This was the default behaviour before TYPO3 6.x. .. figure:: ../Images/Configuration/New\ TYPO3\ site\ \[TYPO3\ CMS\ 9.5.26\ .png :width: 820px :alt: TYPO3 Configuration of pageNotFoundOnCHashError in Install Tool TYPO3 Configuration of pageNotFoundOnCHashError in Settings Module This configuration is written to *typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php*:: 'FE' => [ 'pageNotFoundOnCHashError' => '0', ], Avoid empty Workview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may notice from time to time, the viewer page stays empty even though you pass the :code:`tx_dlf[id]` parameter. This happens, if someone called the viewer page without any parameters or with parameters without a valid cHash. In this case, TYPO3 saves the page to its cache. If you call the viewer page again with any parameter and without a cHash, the cached page is delivered. With the search plugin or the searchInDocument tool this may disable the search functionality. To avoid this, you must configure :code:`tx_dlf[id]` to require a cHash. Of course this is impossible to achieve so the system will process the page uncached. Add this setting to your *typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php*:: 'FE' => [ 'cacheHash' => [ 'requireCacheHashPresenceParameters' => [ 'tx_dlf[id]', ], ], ] Tip: Use the admin backend module: Settings -> Configure Installation-Wide Options TypoScript Basic Configuration ------------------------------ Please include the Template "Basic Configuration (dlf)". This template adds jQuery to your page by setting the following typoscript: :typoscript:`page.includeJSlibs.jQuery` Slug Configuration ------------------ With TYPO3 9.5 it is possible to make speaking urls with the builtin advanced routing feature ("Slug"). This may be used for extensions too. TYPO3 documentation about `Advanced Routing Configuration `_. The following code is an example of an routeEnhancer for the workview page on uid=14. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: routeEnhancers: KitodoWorkview: type: Plugin namespace: tx_dlf limitToPages: - 14 routePath: '/{id}/{page}' requirements: id: '(\d+)|(http.*xml)' page: \d+ KitodoWorkviewDouble: type: Plugin namespace: tx_dlf limitToPages: - 14 routePath: '/{id}/{page}/{double}' requirements: id: '(\d+)|(http.*xml)' page: \d+ double: '[0-1]' .. _configuration-solr: ***************** Solr Installation ***************** This extension doesn't include Solr, but just a prepared configuration set. To setup Apache Solr, perform the following steps: 1. Make sure you have Apache Solr 7.7 or 8.8 and running. Download Solr from https://solr.apache.org/downloads.html. Other versions may work but are not tested. 2. Copy the config set to your solr home .. code-block:: bash cp -r dlf/Configuration/ApacheSolr/configsets/dlf to $SOLR_HOME/configsets/ 3. Get the Solr OCR Highlighting plugin and put it into contrib-directory. The plugin is available on GitHub (https://github.com/dbmdz/solr-ocrhighlighting/releases). The documentation can be found here: https://dbmdz.github.io/solr-ocrhighlighting/. The Solr OCR Highlighting plugin is required for full text search as of Kitodo.Presentation 3.3. .. code-block:: bash cp solr-ocrhighlighting-0.7.1.jar to contrib/ocrsearch/lib/ 4. Using basic authentication is optional but recommended. The documentation is available here: https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_8/basic-authentication-plugin.html .. _configuration-typoscript: