.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. Login Attempt ============== System sends the email notification to the user after successful login attempt. .. image:: ../../../../Images/Notification/logged_in.png :class: with-shadow Change password --------------------------- At some point, there's a chance that someone else logged in to the account without any owner permission and awareness. By clicking the **Change password** button, the reset password procedure will be started. Email will be predefined already, and the next steps are the same comparing to **Reset Password** feature. .. figure:: ../../../../Images/forgot-predefined.png :class: with-shadow Reset password page... Notification Subject --------------------- You can change the subject of the notification .. tip:: :ts:`plugin.tx_flogin.settings.email.login.subject = LLL:EXT:flogin/Resources/Private/Language/email.xlf:login.subject` Disable the notification ------------------------- It's possible to completely disable the notification by changing the TypoScript variable. .. tip:: :ts:`plugin.tx_flogin.settings.email.login.disabled = 1` View & Variables -------------------- * The notification view can be found under: :file:`EXT:flogin/Resources/Private/Templates/Email/Login.html` * Out of the box you developer has access to these variables: .. figure:: ../../../../Images/Notification/login_variables.png :class: with-shadow You can access it by: :file:`{{user}}`, like :file:`{{user.username}}` .. figure:: ../../../../Images/Notification/login_variables-1.png :class: with-shadow You can access it by: :file:`{{request}}`, like :file:`{{request.SERVER_ADDR}}`