.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. _action: Throttle =========== After every credentials submit, system tracks that event and associates the attempt with REQUEST IP. It's possible to set a maximum attempts count for every unique IP address per defined time interval. When all attempts are used, - validation message will be rendered and another attempt is not longer possible. When defined block time passes, user will be able to perform another request. .. figure:: ../../../Images/Error/throttle.png :class: with-shadow Notification when all possible attempts have been used... Attempts Count --------------- It's possible to increase/decrease the amount of failed attempts just by changing the variable. By default it's 5. .. tip:: :ts:`plugin.tx_flogin.settings.throttling.maxAttempts = 5` Block interval --------------- IP address get's blocked for 1 minute by default. So after this amount of time it's possible to do another :file:`maxAttempts`. You can increase the waiting time time: .. tip:: :ts:`plugin.tx_flogin.settings.throttling.decayMinutes = 1` Notification --------------- System also locks the associated user account to protect. That's why :ref:`notification ` message is sent. Tweak a validation message --------------------------- * Validation text is stored under .. tip:: :ts:`LLL:EXT:flogin/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:login.limit_reached`