.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. _ts: TypoScript ========== Settings ^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: ts-properties ======================================================== ============================================================================================= ============== =============== Property Title Sheet Type ======================================================== ============================================================================================= ============== =============== page.login Page where login form plugin located. Page int redirect.afterLoginPage PID, that user is redirected to after successful logic attempt. Redirect int redirect.afterLogoutPage PID, that user is redirected to after logout process. Redirect int redirect.afterUnlockedPage PID, that user is redirected to after unlocking. Redirect int redirect.alreadyAuthenticatedPage PID, that user is redirected to when already being authenticated. Redirect int redirect.afterForgotPasswordNotificationSentPage PID, that user is redirected to after has been sent. Redirect int redirect.afterResetPasswordFormSubmittedPage PID, that user is redirected to after has been submitted. Redirect int redirect.afterMagicLinkNotificationSentPage PID, that user is redirected to after has been sent. Redirect int redirect.error.whenTokenExpiredPage PID, that user is redirected to when attempts to use already expired token from notification. Redirect int redirect.error.whenTokenNotFoundPage PID, that user is redirected to when attempts to use not existing token. Redirect int redirect.error.whenLockedPage PID, that user is redirected to after successful logic attempt, when user already locked. Redirect int redirect.error.whenOneTimeAccountHashNotFoundPage PID, that user is redirected to when one time account link is invalid. Redirect int throttling.maxAttempts Number of allowed failed login attempts. When no more attempts allowed, user will be locked. Throttling int throttling.decayMinutes Block Timeout in minutes for IP after using all of request attempts. Throttling int throttling.lockIntervalInMinutes After defined number of minutes, user will be automatically unlocked by scheduler. Throttling int oneTimeAccount.properties.usergroup One Time user can be initialized with provided list of groups. OneTimeAccount string (comma) oneTimeAccount.lifetimeInMinutes After defined number of minutes, user will be deleted. OneTimeAccount int email.magicLink.subject Translation file path with key, that contains subject for magic link notification. Email string email.magicLink.linkLifetimeInMinutes When defined number of minute has passed, magic link is considered as expired. Email int email.passwordResetRequest.subject Translation file path with key, that contains subject for forgot password notification. Email string email.passwordResetRequest.linkLifetimeInMinutes When defined number of minute has passed, password reset link is considered as expired. Email int email.passwordUpdated.subject Translation file path with key, that contains subject for password update notification. Email string email.lockout.subject Translation file path with key, that contains subject for lockout notification. Email string email.login.disabled Do not send the successful login attempt notification when deactivated. Email boolean email.login.subject Translation file path with key, that contains subject for login attempt notification. Email string email.site Used inside the bottom area of the mail. Basically link to owner website. Email string email.logoPath Full path to the logo image. Email string email.stylesPath Full path to the css file that should be connected in email. Email string ======================================================== ============================================================================================= ============== ===============