.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. _Middleware_custom: =================================== Custom Middleware =================================== Sometimes there's a need to restrict the api calls by specific domain related logic. For this situations it's possible to create your own middleware. .. code-block:: yaml :emphasize-lines: 13 demo_photos-show: path: api/demo/photos/{photo} controller: LMS\Demo\Controller\PhotoApiController::show methods: GET format: json requirements: photo: \d+ defaults: plugin: PhotoApi photo: options: middleware: - Vendor\Extension\Middleware\Api\CheckRoleMiddleware:editor .. code-block:: php getMiddlewareRole() === $user->getRole()) { return; } $this->deny('I deny, because i can...', 401); } /** * @return string */ private function getMiddlewareRole(): string { return (string)$this->getProperties()[0]; } } Retrieve middleware parameters ============== To get the parameters that is set for middleware you can use the :file:`$this->getProperties()` function which basically returns an array that contains all the parameters by it's index. .. code-block:: yaml middleware: - Vendor\Extension\Middleware\Api\CheckRoleMiddleware:editor,15 .. code-block:: php $this->getProperties() // [0 => 'editor' , 1 => 15] $this->getProperties()[0] // editor $this->getProperties()[1] // 15 Retrieve user who performed the request in the middleware ============== There's a handy method :file:`$this->getUser()` which returns the uid of the user who had performed the request.