Migration from cal to calendarize ================================= This will help you to migrate data from cal to calendarize. Requirements ------------ - Installed extension calendarize - Tables from cal (e.g. :code:`tx_cal_*`, ...) Migration --------- Migration of records ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The migration is an upgrade wizard and listed inside the admin tool. Inside the :guilabel:`Upgrade > Upgrade Wizard` and you should be listed as "Migrate cal event structures to the new calendarize event structures. [...]". .. important:: The wizard is only displayed, if the table :code:`tx_cal_event` exists. It is also possible to execute the wizard from the command line. .. code-block:: bash # Run using the identifier 'calendarize_calMigration' ./vendor/bin/typo3 upgrade:run calendarize_calMigration .. versionchanged:: 8.2.0 The identifier was formerly called :code:`HDNET\\Calendarize\\Updates\\CalMigrationUpdate`. Migrated tables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The wizard uses the default event model and places the result in the same folder as the old records. To keep track of already migrated records, the :code:`import_id` is a combination of :code:`calMigration:` and the old uid. Events """""" The basic / common fields of Calendar Events (:code:`tx_cal_event`) get migrated to the Event model. For most date options a Configuration record is used. Event Exception (Groups) """""""""""""""""""""""" Event exceptions are used to exclude dates in recurring events and can be grouped. Event Exception Groups (:code:`tx_cal_exception_event_group`) get migrated to Configuration Groups. The corresponding Event Exceptions (:code:`tx_cal_exception_event`) become single Configurations and are added to the group. Finally the group gets added to the Events with excluded :guilabel:`Handling`. Categories """""""""" Older versions of cal (< 2.0) used its own table :code:`cal_category` for categories. These will be migrated to :code:`sys_categories` of TYPO3. The newer version using :code:`sys_categories` is also supported. Calendar, Locations, Attendees, Deviations """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" These record types are currently **NOT** migrated. Not migrated ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be aware that some things are **not** migrated: - Templates - TypoScript configurations - Plugins - Some fields and tables (e.g. calendar, locations, attendees, deviations, ...) - Additionally fields by other extensions - ...