.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _command-controller: ================== Command Controller ================== MAIL comes with tree different command controller, which all can be added as task inside the TYPO3 scheduler module. .. _mass-mailing-command-controller: MassMailingCommand ================== This command is responsible for adding scheduled mailings to the sending queue. There are two mandatory parameters: * site-identifier * send-per-cycle The first one (site-identifier) is the identifier of the site configuration where MAIL can find its recipient sources configuration. You can find it inside the TYPO3 sites module under the "General" tab. The second (send-per-cycle) determine how many mails should be sent per cycle. The time between a cycle can be defined in the "Frequency" field of a task. e.g. `* * * * *` will run the task every minute, if you put `50` into the send-per-cycle field, 50 Mails per minute will be sent. .. _analyze-bounce-mail-command-controller: AnalyzeBounceMailCommand ======================== This command fetches returned mails from the mail account defined in the return-path field of the MAIL configuration module. Depends on special headers, the reason of the return will be added to the report of the corresponding mail. .. _spool-send-command-controller: SpoolSendCommand ================ This command controller can be used to send mail in a queue. It's basically the same coming with TYPO3, but it uses a site specific mail transport configuration. See site configuration `Transport.yaml` under Integration up in this manuel. To make this command controller work, it is also necessary to set `transport_spool_type` to `file` or `memory`. if the type was set to `file`, the `transport_spool_type` has to be set as well, e.g. to `upload/tx_mailspool/`. This command controller is not really needed by this extension, since the sending is already queued by the MassMailingCommand. But if a developer wants to use the extended Mail-Classes `MEDIAESSENZ\Mail\Mail\(Mailer|MailMessage)` inside their own extension, it can be usefully.