.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../../../../Includes.txt .. _developers_mapping_apartment_rent_check: Check it! ========= You can check your configuration with * Modul System > Configuration Clear Cache ----------- Please clear the TYPO3 backend cache. $GLOBALS['TCA'] --------------- * Modul System > Configuration: [$GLOBALS['TCA']] columns ''''''' Your appartment table must have some columns like: * yourtable.columns.immo24* ctrl.immo24 ''''''''''' Your appartment table must have the new ctrl property immo24 like: * yourtable.ctrl.immo24 Your file structure ------------------- This should be a cutout of the file structure of your extenion, if your extension is called "yourextension". .. code:: php netzmacher@typo3.org:.../ext/yourextension# tree . ├── Configuration │   └── TCA │   └── Overrides │   ├── yourextension │   │   ├── columns.php │   │   └── mapping.php │   └── yourextension.php ├── ext_tables.sql └── Resources └── Private └── Language ├── de.yourextension.xlf └── yourextension.xlf