.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _introduction_alternatives: Alternatives ============ Launch TYPO3 GRUENE! -------------------- There is another launcher: - Launch TYPO3 GRUENE! (launchstartgreen) This launcher can be an alternative, if you like a responsive database with a databse optimiesed for the lobbies and organisers: the Organiser. Launch TYPO3 GRUENE! installs a website ready-to-use, which can manage - calendar items, - locations, - news, - staff and more. To get rid of the corporate design of the German party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, you need only to replace the TypoScript-template TYPO3 GRUENE (startgreen) with the one of Start TYPO3 Responsive +Customer (startcustomer). See screenshots below. .. figure:: startgreen_customer_green.jpg :width: 600px :alt: TYPO3 GRUENE! TYPO3 GRUENE! TYPO3 GRUENE! (startgreen) with Launch TYPO3 GRUENE! .. figure:: startgreen_customer_customer.jpg :width: 600px :alt: Start TYPO3 GRUENE! with startcustomer TYPO3 GRUENE! with startcustomer TYPO3 GRUENE! TypoScript-template startgreen is replaced with startcustomer (theme: white). See details at `Startgreen`_ and at `Launch TYPO3 GRUENE!`_