.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../../../../Includes.txt .. __upgrades_TYPO3_87_extensions_t3foundation: Foundation Framework ==================== Please replace cb_foundation with t3foundation. You can update the configuration by the SQL statements from below or manually. SQL Statements -------------- SELECT ^^^^^^ Find former included static template of t3foundation: .. code:: php -- extension t3foundation SELECT `uid`, `pid`, `title`, `include_static_file` FROM `sys_template` WHERE `include_static_file` LIKE '%EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript%' AND `include_static_file` NOT LIKE '%EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript/Default/%' Find cb_foundation templates: .. code:: php SELECT `uid`, `pid`, `title`, `include_static_file` FROM `sys_template` WHERE `include_static_file` LIKE '%EXT:cb_foundation%' Find cb_foundation content elements: .. code:: php -- extension cb_foundation SELECT `uid`, `pid`, `header`, `CType` FROM `tt_content` WHERE `CType` LIKE '%cbfoundation%' UPDATE ^^^^^^ If you have used t3foundation before, please update the include static template: * Replace "Foundation framework [DEPRECATED!]" with "Foundation framework" .. code:: php -- extension t3foundation UPDATE `sys_template` SET `include_static_file` = REPLACE(`include_static_file`, 'EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript', 'EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript/Default/') WHERE `include_static_file` LIKE '%EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript%' AND `include_static_file` NOT LIKE '%EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript/Default/%'; -- revison UPDATE `sys_template` SET `include_static_file` = REPLACE(`include_static_file`, 'EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript/Default//Default/', 'EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript/Default/') WHERE `include_static_file` LIKE '%EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript/Default//Default/%'; Replace template of cb_foundation with the one of t3foundation .. code:: php -- extension cb_foundation UPDATE `sys_template` SET `include_static_file` = REPLACE(`include_static_file`, 'EXT:cb_foundation/Configuration/TypoScript', 'EXT:t3foundation/Configuration/TypoScript/Default/') WHERE `include_static_file` LIKE '%EXT:cb_foundation/Configuration/TypoScript%'; UPDATE `sys_template` SET `title` = REPLACE(`title`, 'cbfoundation', 't3foundation') WHERE `title` LIKE '%cbfoundation%'; Replace cb_foundation content elements with the ones of t3foundation (here: clearing lightbox, flexible video and orbit slider): .. code:: php -- extension cb_foundation UPDATE `tt_content` SET `CType` = 't3foundation_clearing' WHERE `tt_content`.`CType` LIKE 'cbfoundation_clearing'; UPDATE `tt_content` SET `CType` = 't3foundation_flexvid' WHERE `tt_content`.`CType` LIKE 'cbfoundation_flexvid'; UPDATE `tt_content` SET `CType` = 't3foundation_orbit' WHERE `tt_content`.`CType` LIKE 'cbfoundation_orbit'; Manually -------- Please replace cb_foundation with t3foundation: * Include Static Templates * Constants * Setup If you have used t3foundation before, please update the include static template: * Replace "Foundation framework [DEPRECATED!]" with "Foundation framework" Replace cb_foundation content elements with the ones of t3foundation.