.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../../Includes.txt .. _administrators_setup_paging: Paging ====== Controll some properties for the paging plugins. Please setup xBlog by the TypoScript **Constant Editor**. Init ---- * dontLinkActivePage: Don't link the active page * Display the paging even if there isn't any page or one page only * hscText: Enable htmlspecialchars(). Set this to false if you want f.e use images instead of text for links like 'previous' and 'next' * pagefloat * tableParams Wrap ---- * activeLinkWrap * browseBoxWrap * browseLinksWrap * disabledLinkWrap * inactiveLinkWrap * showResultsNumbersWrap * showResultsWrap View ---- Paths to the fluid templates