.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _BackendUser: ============ BackendUser ============ \\nn\\t3::BackendUser() --------------- Methods to check in the frontend if a user is logged in to the Typo3 backend and has e.g. admin rights. Methods to start a backend user if it does not exist (e.g. during a scheduler job). Overview of Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\nn\\t3::BackendUser()->isLoggedIn(); """""""""""""""" Prüft whether a BE user is logged in. Example: Show certain content in the frontend only if the user is logged in in the backend. Früher: ``$GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin`` .. code-block:: php \nn\t3::BackendUser()->isLoggedIn(); | ``@return bool`` \\nn\\t3::BackendUser()->isAdmin(); """""""""""""""" Prüft whether the BE user is an admin. Earlier: ``$GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin`` .. code-block:: php \nn\t3::BackendUser()->isAdmin(); | ``@return bool`` \\nn\\t3::BackendUser()->start(); """""""""""""""" Start (fake) backend user. Solves the problem that, for example, from the scheduler certain functions like ``log()`` are not possible if there is no active BE user. .. code-block:: php \nn\t3::BackendUser()->start(); | ``@return \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\FrontendBackendUserAuthentication``