.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _SysCategory: ============ SysCategory ============ \\nn\\t3::SysCategory() --------------- Simplifies the work and access to the ``sys_category`` of Typo3 . Overview of Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\nn\\t3::SysCategory()->findAll(``$branchUid = NULL``); """""""""""""""" Get list of all sys_categories .. code-block:: php \nn\t3::SysCategory()->findAll(); | ``@return array`` \\nn\\t3::SysCategory()->findAllByUid(``$branchUid = NULL``); """""""""""""""" Get list of all sys_categories, return ``uid`` as key .. code-block:: php \nn\t3::SysCategory()->findAllByUid(); | ``@return array`` \\nn\\t3::SysCategory()->findByUid(``$uidList = NULL``); """""""""""""""" get sys_categories based on uid(s). .. code-block:: php \nn\t3::SysCategory()->findByUid( 12 ); \nn\t3::SysCategory()->findByUid( '12,11,5' ); \nn\t3::SysCategory()->findByUid( [12, 11, 5] ); | ``@return array|\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\Category`` . \\nn\\t3::SysCategory()->getTree(``$branchUid = NULL``); """""""""""""""" Get the entire SysCategory tree (as an array). Each node has the attributes 'parent' and 'children', to be able to recursively iterate through tree. .. code-block:: php \nn\t3::SysCategory()->getTree(); \nn\t3::SysCategory()->getTree( $uid ); ToDo: Check if caching makes sense | ``@return array``