.. _upgrade-v2: ===================== Upgrade to version V2 ===================== .. hint:: If you don't use "signal/slot" within previous version and have no wizard custom state, you can upgrade to new version without doing any change. Use type hint with wizard custom state ====================================== Description ----------- The :php:`SiteGeneratorStateInterface()` signature have changed to use type hint. Impact ----------- A PHP error will be thrown if you don't update the custom steps of your extension. Migration ----------- Just change the :php:`process()` method signature of your custom steps from : .. code-block:: php public function process(SiteGeneratorWizard $context) to : .. code-block:: php public function process(SiteGeneratorWizard $context): void Replace signal/slot with PSR-14 events ====================================== Description ----------- Within the File Abstraction Layer, all "Signals" of Extbase's SignalSlot dispatcher have been migrated to PSR-14 events. For this reason, all FAL-related Signals have been migrated to PSR-14 event listeners which are prioritized as the first listener to be executed when an Event is fired. More informations at `Deprecation: #89577 - FAL SignalSlot handling migrated to PSR-14 events `__. Impact ----------- Signal slot used in previous version have been removed and won't work anymore. Migration ----------- Use new PSR-14 events as a replacement for old signal/slot. Remove signal slot dispatchers registered in :file:`ext_localconf.php`. Replace your old slots with new event listener as described in :ref:`Event listener `.