.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _added-fields: ================================== Fields added to the FE users table ================================== In addition to the existing FE user fields, this extension adds the following fields to the FE users table: * :php:`full salutation`, e.g., "Hello Mr. Klee" (to work around the futile problem of trying to automatically generate gender-specific salutations) * :php:`gender` (with the mappings from `sr_feuser_register`) * :php:`date_of_birth` * :php:`zone` (state/province) * :php:`privacy` (privacy agreement accepted) * :php:`status` (job status) * :php:`comments` The :php:`FrontendUserWithCountryRepository` model additionally provides this field: * :php:`static_info_country` (the ISO 3166-1 A3 country code)