.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _start: ================================== TYPO3 extension ``onetimeaccount`` ================================== :Extension key: onetimeaccount :Package name: oliverklee/onetimeaccount :Version: |release| :Language: en :Author: Oliver Klee :License: This extension is published under the `GNU General Public License v2.0 `__. :Rendered: |today| ---- This extension provides a Bootstrap-5-compatible form that allows users to create a one-time FE account to which they will be automatically logged in (without having to enter a username or password). It is often used together with the `seminars extension `__, allowing attendees to sign up for events without having to create an account. .. image:: images/form-in-frontend.png :class: with-shadow ---- **Table of Contents:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: WhatDoesItDo Installation Upgrading .. Meta Menu .. toctree:: :hidden: Sitemap genindex