.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _installation: ====================== Installation and setup ====================== Deciding on which plugin to use =============================== This extension usually is used on the login page of the `seminars extension `__. If you are using seminars version 5 (or later), you should use the plugin without autologin, as this version uses the new Extbase-/Fluid-based registration form that also works without a front-end login. If you are using seminars 4.3.0 (or a later 4.x version) and have enabled the feature switch to use the new registration form, you should also use the plugin without autologin. If you are using seminars below 5.0.0 or seminars 4 with the legacy registration form, you need to use the plugin with autologin (with onetimeaccount version 6.0.0 or lower). .. note:: The plugin with autologin was removed in onetimeaccount 7.0. Installation steps ================== #. Install the extension and its dependencies. #. In your site TypoScript template under "Includes, Include static (from extensions)", include the static template "Onetimeaccount (onetimeaccount)". #. If you have not done so yet, create a system folder where the extension should store the front-end user it creates. #. Create one or multiple front-end user group(s) which the users created by this extension should have. #. On the your front-end login page, add a plugin content element. This element can be next to your frontend login form, or it could sit their instead of the login form (if you do not need a regular login on your site). #. In the tab "Plugin", select "One-time FE account creator without autologin" as plugin type. #. Select which fields should be displayed. #. Select which fields should be required. #. Select the system folder in which the created front-end users should be stored. #. Select one or multiple user groups which the created front-end users should automatically be assigned to. #. Save and close.