.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _what_does_it_do: ================================================== What does this extension do, and how does it work? ================================================== This plugin is intended to be used for cases where a having user data is required for certain parts of the process (e.g., signing up for a course) using the `seminars extension `__, but where users should be allowed to enter their personal data without having to go through the process of creating a front-end user account. Technically, the extension provides a form for the user to enter their data. It then creates a new front-end user account for the user with an autogenerated username and password. The UID of the newly-created user then will be stored in the session, allowing the seminars registration form to recognize that the use has provided their data. (The FE user will not be auto-logged in, though.) The user is then automatically redirected to the page provided in the :code:`redirect_url` GET parameter (the same way the normal front-end login process works). The onetimeaccount plugin can be used on the login page either next to the normal login form or instead of it (if a FE login is not relevant). CAPTCHA ======= To avoid garbage FE user records, this extension can be configured to use a CAPTCHA.